New Personal Website

Just as unexciting as the last one:  Andrew’s Homepage

Shira and I celebrate our 12th Wedding Anniversary today.  Shira made reservations at Palisades, which is a Seattle institution, yet I’ve never been.  Looking forward to that.

I will be in San Francicso Thursday August 23 – Sunday August 26 playing games with some friends.  I’m currently enjoying Dungeon Commander and am looking forward to the second edition of Descent, but I’m sure I’ll spend most of the weekend playing Titan.

This anime season Hyouka is  my only sure-fire winner.  I’m also taking (very) guilty pleasure in Campione, which I refuse to reccomend to anyone, though I like the fan-translated Light Novel more.  I also like Sword Art Online, but haven’t been keeping up after the first three episodes; I suspect all watch a half-dozen some night to catch up.  This is another one that has a great fan-translated Light Novel.